Is a distance healing done by the practitioner. The main pillars of this healing are: Chakra, Aura, and Past Life Cleansing These will be the main focus of healing and will be done 3 times separately for 3 days in a row. Every day (depending on the period of healing), we will send you a summary of healing, what we have done, and advice on how to strengthen your energetic field.
1- Chakras Healing: The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body through which energy flows. Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely. In the healing session, we will align, cleanse, and create protection for each Chakra.
2- Aura Healing: This is our outer energetic field that can get influenced and impacted by people and outer circumstances. Have you ever felt that you are feeling off and uncomfortable around someone? Perhaps your Aura is detecting imbalance or inequal vibration around you. In the healing session, we will cleanse and recharge your Aura, and also create protection.
3- Past Life Cleansing: This session will depend on the concern and issue that we are trying to resolve. It will be by tapping into past life energy and removing any blockage and resentment in your energetic field. It also includes bending, cutting cords, re-align, releasing, etc.
After you book, please contact us and explain your situation. However, the Practioner will do an assessment session to understand your situation and what is needed. Note that in some cases 3 sessions may not be enough, it varies depending on the situation and guidance the Practioner gets.
Keep in mind, that healing is only a tool, meaning there is no guarantee that your life will change180 degrees, but for sure you will feel the shift. The healing should be done from within by having a deep desire and determination to change certain aspects of our life.
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