Bridging the gap between the universe and the self
Bridging the gap between the universe and the self
This site is dedicated to people who would like guidance for their path in this life on earth, the universe constantly helps us by giving us signs and tools to navigate through the journey. Guidance towards decoding those signs and understanding the language of the cosmos. Vedic Astrology is key to your answers.
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It's an ancient science used to tap into cosmos energies via planets and star constellations. To receive support, guidance, and enlightening the soul path.
These records hold information on our lives- past present and future. When you read the records you get answers as to why a certain issue/ situation is happening to you and why a certain pattern is repeating again in your life.
Is for everyone facing challenges at the physical, mental, and emotional levels. Reading these records brings joy and happiness to life. Right from identifying the truth behind your existence and providing a healing touch has a powerful impact.
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We just uploaded a video explaining the energy of SATURN transiting the sign of PISCES from March/2025 to June/2026 FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGN.